We got a message from a friend and thought we'd share it with you:
Hello Fred, Glad you are enjoying the warmth on the south, we are getting some snow this week and undoubtable this will bother some of us a lot.
Now I have a problem. I am wondering exactly where "Frost Heaves" is located. I have been seeing a lot of signs for "Frost Heaves" lately and it seems this village is all over the dern place. And to top it all off this wonderful New England village seems to disappear sometime in the spring. I am pretty confused Fred and hope your wisdom and infinite knowledge about our area of the world will help me. I am losing precious sleep over this! Why, just the other day I was traveling up towards Ragged Mountain and over this 40 - 50 mile trip I saw three or four "Frost Heaves" signs. And my little Tocoma truck sure acts as if something weird is going on whenever we see a "Frost Heaves" notice. Please help. I am about to spend a lot of $$ on some sleep therapy.
Thanks so much,
Tom B.
Well, Tom, you have put your finger on the problem, possibly your thumb
as well, and maybe your entire fist. It's a good thing you're not a
Anyway, that is the problem, and the reason our town motto is
"You can't get there from here." Frost Heaves used to be on all the
maps, but then it somehow fell off the map when we weren't paying
attention. (That's how a lot of things happen, I'm finding. Your mind
drifts, and the next thing you know you've got three kids and a
mortgage and no idea how you got there. Then it drifts again and you're
in the nursing home.)
Anyway, I don't know what to tell you other than
not to waste a lot of money on sleep therapy. We have a variety show
that should do the trick just fine, and if that doesn't work, you can
play some of our videos. If those don't put you to sleep, you might
want to spend those wakeful hours doing something useful like learning Portuguese
or sorting your jars of loose nails or something.