In the spring of 2009, Fred Marple and the missus took a road trip down south on a fact-finding mission for the town of Frost Heaves. They were hoping to get some new ideas for Frost Heaves and maybe get some of that government stimulation money. As usual, things didn't quite work out the way they expected. Here's Fred's video diary of the trip.
Before we took off on our trip, we had our route planned out by a major automobile association that shall remain nameless, since they ain't payin' us anything. I ain't complainin', but I think we could'a done better by tossing a coin at each intersection.
Today, I'm letting the missus write the entry. It was either that, or sleep on the pullout sofa for a month after we get home.
Hello, this is Martha Marple. I just wanted to make it clear that going to the wrong Washington was all Fred's fault. I told him--"Ask for directions," I said. But no--you know how men are.
"It's the nation's capital," he said. "We couldn't possibly miss it."
"Yes, dear," I said.
Anyway, we're back on the road again, and that whole episode has given my brilliant husband another idea:
What do you think? Personally, I think his Moxie's lost its fizz, but maybe not. Maybe you've got an idea for a new name for Frost Heaves, something that would improve our image. Click the "Comments" button below and give us your suggestion. It couldn't be any worse than Fred's.
Fred and the missus stopped at an internationally famous
restaurant, which gave Fred an idea for a new type of eatery that might
be successful in Frost Heaves.
So far, the response to my idea for a new restaurant chain ain't been that good. (Including those of you who made rude noises, and I know who you are, don't think I don't.) But I ain't giving up. They laughed at Thomas Edison too, but his brilliant idea for pizza with ham and pineapple on it turned out to be a big hit. So there.
While headed south on his fact-finding mission, Fred stumbles upon a little North Carolina town that may hold the answers to all of Frost Heaves' problems.
Life is full of surprises. Who know there was more than one town of Washington? (All right, turns out a fair number of people knew that.) But the town of Mayberry was pretty surprising, too.
Fred tries to discover how Mayberry got so famous and see if there's anything Frost Heaves can learn from it. What he finds is more startling than a pair of long johns fresh off the clothesline on a cold winter morning.
What's Mayberry got that Frost Heaves don't have? (Well, besides a big budget, talent, and a jail that actually locks?) Anyways, I think Frost Heaves could have its own TV show. We already got the most important thing.